Head of the Department: Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Thajeel Abdullah Al-Mutairi
Leadership in the field of Computer Networks and Software Technology.
To elevate the level of computer networks and software technology in Iraq and utilize it to serve the community by preparing qualified middle-level cadres who meet the demands of the labor market and are capable of competing locally, regionally, and internationally. These cadres should also be able to keep pace with modern scientific and technological developments, thus enhancing their role in achieving sustainable national development in the fields of computer engineering, computer science, and information technology.
– Maintain a distinguished level of academic programs according to international quality standards.
– Work towards promoting leadership, creativity, and innovation while keeping up with the global revolution in computing and technology.
– Provide the community with distinguished personnel capable of offering solutions in various fields of life using computers and technology, and who are able to compete in the global market.
– Enhance students’ scientific abilities and apply them to deliver computerized technological solutions across various sectors in society.
– Strengthen the relationship with the information technology sector by responding to its needs through the development of academic programs, student training, and offering consulting services in computer science and information technology to both the public and private sectors.
:Graduate Job Descriptions
– In education as a technician in computer departments and computer labs in other specializations in general.
– In service sectors, including (mobile companies, landline communication centers, satellite stations, production factories, banks, etc.).
– In decision-making and leadership centers.
:The Department’s Educational Goals Focus on Several Points which Include
– Emphasizing technical knowledge through the information provided to students in general computer science and, in particular, computer systems technologies, along with supporting knowledge such as mathematics.
– Focusing on the principles and basics of designing, implementing, and maintaining computer systems and networks.
– Emphasizing communication skills with others in the workplace, and developing leadership skills to make well-considered and accurate decisions.
– Ensuring technical skills, professional ethics, and occupational safety.